Append a New Value to an Existing Field's List of Values

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 12/09/2015 at 11:25 AM


Notes Developer Tips

Append a text string to an existing list saved in a field.

Solution A:
Dim s as New NotesSession
Dim cDoc as NotesDocument ' current doc
Dim cFld as NotesItem ' field with list
Dim newstr as String ' new value to append to list

Set cDoc = s.DocumentContext
Set cFld = cDoc.GetFirstItem("MyListFld")
newstr = "newlistitemtoadd"
If Not (cFld is Nothing) Then
If (cFld.Type = 1280) Then
' field type is text or text list - process
Call cDoc.ReplaceItemValue( "MyListFld", ArrayAppend( cFld.Values, newstr) )
Call cDoc.Save(True, False)
End If
End If

Solution B:
Dim s as New NotesSession
Dim cDoc as NotesDocument ' current doc
Dim cFld as NotesItem ' field with list
Dim oldLst as Variant ' the old list
Dim newLst as Variant ' the new list
Dim newbound as Integer ' counter upper bound/limit for newLst
Dim newcount as Integer ' counter for newLst
Dim newstr as String ' new value to append to list

Set cDoc = s.DocumentContext
Set cFld = cDoc.GetFirstItem("MyListFld")
newstr = "newlistitemtoadd"
If Not (cFld is Nothing) Then
If (cFld.Type = 1280) Then
' field type is text or text list - process
oldLst = cFld.Values
newbound = Ubound( oldLst) + 1
Redim newLst(newbound)
' add old values to new list
For newcount = 0 to Ubound(oldLst)
newLst(newcount) = oldLst(newcount)
Next newcount
' add new string
newLst(newbound) = newstr
' write new list/array to field
Call cDoc.ReplaceItemValue( "MyListFld", newLst() )
Call cDoc.Save(True, False)
End If
End If

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