Switch Responses Parent

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 08/26/1999 at 07:51 PM


Notes Developer Tips
LotusScript, Parent/Child Documents

Brief Description: Change parent is possible

Full Description:
I use a LotusScript procedure to change the parent of a document; maybe it will help you.

Curdoc is the current document; whcih I want to connect to another one.
Refdoc is the document I want to be the parent document
Depending on a value in the current document I select the parent document in a view
Using the formula MakeResponse I make the current document a responsedocument to the reference document

Sub Queryclose(Source As Notesuidocument, Continue As Variant)
Dim NS As New NotesSession
Dim WS As New NotesUiWorkspace
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim view As NotesView
Dim refdoc As NotesDocument
Dim curdoc As NotesDocument
Dim Competency_name As String
Set db = NS.CurrentDatabase
Set view = db.GetView("(ByName)")
Set refdoc=view.GetDocumentByKey(Competency_name)
Set curdoc=Source.document
Call curdoc.MakeResponse(refdoc)
Call refdoc.save(1,1)
Call curdoc.save(1,1)
Call WS.ViewRefresh
End Sub

Wayne Brennan
Friday, 2/12/99 3:27 PM EST
Re: I need a genius... yah YOU!

You can get a handle on the document from the QUERYSAVE agent.

You get a handle on it by using the DocumentContext Property of the Session class...

Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Set doc = session.DocumentContext

At this point you can make any modifications to the "doc" that you want....

Hope this helps....

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