Setup COM Project in VB Studio

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 02/27/2007 at 05:22 PM


Notes Developer Tips

Before you start, register the COM objects for the workstation/server using the following command while in the Lotus Notes/Domino program directory:
"regsvr32 nlsxbe.dll"

1. Start VB Studio. (Or if in MS Word, do <ALT> and F11 keys)
2. On Menu, choose "Tools" --> "References ..."
3. Scroll down list to Lotus and add the "Lotus Domino Objects" by adding a check mark to that entry and clicking the OK button.
Note: This is the same as choosing Browse instead and navigating to the file DOMOBJ.TLB in the Lotus Notes/Domino program directory.
4. Start a new class and enter the following to get started...
(after that a Domino developer is in familiar territory)

Dim s as NotesSession (or just Dim s for variant)
Set s = CreateObject("Lotus.NotesSession")
Call s.Initialize("myidpwd") (note: This is for local Notes Client access.)
Call s.InitializeUsingNotesUserName("usernm", "userwebpwd") (note: This is for Domino server access.)
(write rest of code)

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