Lotus Domino Release 5.0: A Developer's Handbook,

This document describes how to develop applications using Lotus
Domino Release 5.0. The earlier chapters in the book introduce some of
the basic design elements of a Domino database such as the database
itself, forms, views, folders, and navigators. Those readers that are
familiar with developing applications using earlier releases of Lotus
Domino may want to move straight to the chapters that introduce the
new features in Domino 5.0, such as framesets, pages, outlines,
resources and headlines. The book then describes how to use the
programming languages available in Domino Designer; the formula
language, LotusScript, JavaScript, Java, IIOP and CORBA, C++ API
and the LSX toolkit. Some good practical advice on Domino
development do’s and don’ts are then outlined before discussing the
Domino Enterprise Connector Services (DECS) which are used to
access data from external data sources, along with chapters describing
how to use NotesSQL, ODBC, and the LotusScript Data Object
(LSDO). The book then explains how to create multilingual international
applications for Domino and the Web using the Global Workbench tool.
Finally, the topic of creating workflow applications with the Approval
Cycle template is covered with an in-depth look at the LotusScript in the
ApprovalLogic subform. This redbook was written for Domino technical
specialists and programmers, customers, IBM Business Partners, and
the IBM and Lotus community who need a good technical
understanding of how to develop applications using Lotus Domino R5.0.
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