Filter View for Search Results When Passed Via URL

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 12/27/2010 at 09:20 PM


Notes Developer Tips

To allow a search box on a header or a search page submission to pass via the URL the search term to a target XPage containing a view and automatically filter the view's content based on the search word or phrase. If nothing is passed on the URL, the view should show everything.

1a. Create an Edit Box to be used as the search box with the following properties:
Edit Box tab:
Name: searchText
Data tab:
Bind data using: Advanced
Use: Scoped Variable
- Parameter: View Scope
- Variable name: searchValue
- Default: Search ...

1b. Update the events for the box so that adding text and clicking <enter> key performs the search:
Events tab:
- Client tab:
Add the following code into the Script Editor:
if (thisEvent.keyCode != '13') {
return false;
var me = document.getElementById("#{id:searchText}");me.value = "";
- Server tab:
-- Simple Action
-- Open Page
-- Add the following code Server Side JavaScript code into the Script Editor:
return compositeData.searchPage+"?open&searchValue=" + viewScope.searchValue;
// get target page from resources file
tmppg = '/' + layout.getString("search.searchPage");
print (tmppg);
print (facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequestServletPath());
return (tmppg + '?open&searchValue=' + viewScope.searchValue);
// following code uses current page instead, current page has to be coded for this search string passed
//return facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequestServletPath()+"?open&searchValue=" + viewScope.searchValue;

3. In the target XPage with the view, click on the view's view panel object.
e.g. View:viewPanel1

4a. Under the Properties tab, select the All Properties tab on the left.
4b. Open the data twistie (xp:dominoView), click the blue diamond for the search option, and select computed value... .
4c. Add the following JavaScript Server Side code:

previous page
