iPhoto/Photos on Apple Macbook - How to Save a Long Exposure taken with Live Photo on an iPhone

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Abigail Black

Created: 09/25/2023 at 10:36 AM


General Web Tips

Live Photos may import into iPhoto/Photos as Long Exposure, but will lose the effect once leaving the application. E.G., when attempting to use the Long Exposure photo as a desktop background with the image source being an iPhoto/Photos folder, the desktop background presents as a normal photo without the blur/overlay.

The workaround:
1. In iPhoto/Photos, double click the Long Exposure photo to expand

2. Go to File -> Export -> Export 1 Photo

3. Change settings if desired, but you can leave them as is -> Export

4. Select Export location -> Export

The photo will appear in the exported location. Open in Preview or Quick Look to confirm the Long Exposure effect is still in place

5. Drag the photo into iPhoto/Photos Library field.

By exporting it, the program strips the Live setting from the image. Therefore, it will import as a brand new photo with the Long Exposure.

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