Adding "Subject" to an E-Mail Link


Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 08/26/1999 at 07:51 PM


General Web Tips

When you create an e-mail link, you often wish to prepopulate fields in the resulting memo form. You can prepopulate any one field without creating a speical form. Below is an example using the message's subject field.

Steps to Complete:
If using a WYSIWYG HTML editor, press your Create E-mail Hyperlink button.
Type your e-mail address as you ordinarily would, but add the following text to the end of the address: ?Subject=Subject Text.
Substituting the desired subject for "Subject Text".
Now, when a visitor clicks clicks on your mailto link, the e-mail subject line will include the pre-filled subject.

You can also pre-fill other fields in the message by substituting the CC, or BCC for the subject keyword above. To fill multiple fields append more variables beginning with the & symbol.
e.g. href=", Subject&

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