Hiding Group / Person in the Domino Directory from Specific Users

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 04/16/2008 at 02:46 PM


Domino Server Issues Troubleshooting
Mail Routing

You have groups which you wish to keep some users from using when addressing and sending mail.

You can update the Router/SMTP restrictions to block e-mail to the group in a Configuration document.

For more granularity, you can update the $PersonExtensibleSchema or $GroupExtensibleSchema subforms and add one or more readers fields.
Then if the readers fields are completed, the person and/or group docs are hidden from anyone not in the readers field(s).
Warning: If you do this second method, make sure there is a hidden readers multi-value field that includes the LocalDomainServers and LocalDomainAdmins and LocalDomainServers groups.

If you wish to allow 'blind' sending to the group by the users anyway, then add this to the mail servers' notes.ini.
(This ini setting requires Domino 6.03 or higher.)

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