Esig Console Commands (by Crossware)

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 12/17/2018 at 12:22 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations
Software (Re)Configuration

Crossware ESig is a IBM Domino task that allows greater customization of server-based and local-based signatures for internal and external e-mail.

If you are creating new signatures, set-up the "Local Signature Configuration". There a staff group document is specified. The list of members of the group will be used to generate signatures.

- Pre Notes 8.5 - Set's the signature to be HTML file for Notes clients and Plain Text for DWA clients. They are saved in each person's, "User Log" document created by the Local Signature Configuration group entry field and the generateall task command.
- Post Notes 8.5 - Set's signature as rich-text and as HTML text, in the native Calendar Profile used by Notes clients, by default. A copy of the signature is stored still in the "User Log" doc.
- Auto - This option looks at the mail template version to determine which above technique to perform. If all your people are using Notes 8.5 or later, this will effectively be the Post option.

Look at each person's "User Log" (configuration) document. Compare it to the Signature fields in the User's Preferences in their mail file (Calendar Profile).

Task Commands:
> load esig client <command> <parameter(s)>
This loads the esig program to execute the command and then quits.

Since esig is might be already running, it supports the Tell command, as well. The ESig task doesn't not need to be left running though.
> tell esig client <command> <parameter(s)>

Create/recreate the signature for the user specified:
> tell esig client generateuser "john smith"
> tell esig client generateuser
The match name match is done via the ($Users) view.

To verify the signature configuration for a specific user:
> tell esig client checkuser "john smith"
> tell esig client checkuser

Create/recreate the signature configuration for all users:
> tell esig client check all
> tell esig client generateall

Multiple signature attachments appearing in signature configuration.
Remove using a temporary Action agent or toolbar button. The code is:
Field $File = @DeleteField;

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