OnTime Meeting Manager 8

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 03/12/2009 at 11:28 PM


Domino Upgrades / Installations

Notes on Installation and Setup

1. The application comes as Zip file. Export the NTF contents:
- Copy the NTFs to the Lotus/Domino/data folder.
- - OnTimeMM.ntf - the main manager database (core database)
- - OnTimeMMTask - the task database (core database)
- - OnTimeMMStat - the statistics database
- - You can create a log database from the standard ALog4.ntf.

Note: Server task OnTimeMM.exe (obsolyte in 8.1.14) does not need to be copied to the Domino executable folder. Skip the file if in the Zip.
The program is automatically setup from the Tasks database now.

2. Sign the NTFs with the appropriate server or admin id.

3. Set up the Meeting Manager application database.
- Create a new Meeting Manager database from the OnTimeMM.ntf
File --> Application --> New ...
Title: OnTime Meeting Reservations
Filename: resrc8.nsf
Template: NTF: OnTime Meeting Manager ver 8.1.4

Application title and name are up to you.
Alternately, if you are using the standard Rooms & Resources database, you can replace its design.
Do not choose to inherit design when creating the new OnTime Meeting database. Otherwise your language choice will get reset nightly.

- Set the database ACL and roles to the appropriate users. Application Administrators do not get the User role.

- Set the language using the action on the menu.
Actions --> Translate --> <choose language>
Close application and re-open. Menu will be displayed.

Note: Run this agent with a signing ID set in policy to the users so they don't ECL warnings.

- Insert the license key.
Actions --> Enter License Key
Enter the key, click OK.

4. Create the OnTime MM Task database from template.
File --> Application --> New ...
Title: OnTime MM Tasks
Filename: OnTimeMMTask.nsf
Template: NTF: OnTime Meeting Manager Task 8.1.4

- Set the database ACL so all the Notes admins have access.

- Create the new server document:
In the Server Options view, click the "New Server Option" button.
Enter the server where the OnTime Meeting Manager application was installed in step 3.

- Setup the server to run the add-in MM task:
Actions --> Admin --> Run "Maintain Task" on Server

5. Verify the Lotus Domino Server document Security tab is setup correctly for the application to work
Start the Notes Administrator client if not running.
- Configuration tab --> Server twistie (on left) --> All Server Documents view --> Open the correct server document
- Click the "Security" tab. Click
- Confirm that the signing ID of the applications is listed in a group or by name in the "Sign or run unrestricted methods and operations" under the Programmability Restrictions heading in the upper right section of the tab.
- Confirm that the the server is the Trusted Servers field (e.g. add LocalDomainServers to the field.)
- If these are not set, click the Edit button, change the fields, and click the Save & Close button.

Note: The Trusted field is needed for the the MM task to be trusted on the mail servers for any reservations made via user calendars to show up in MM.

6. Start the task using the Manager database's name.
In the Domino server's console, type load ontimemm resrc8.nsf, click the Send button.

Swap out resrc8.nsf with the filename of your Meeting Manager application database.
If it doesn't load, did you enter the license key? Are you on the right server's console?

7. Create a log database:
Create a new log database for the MM application. The log uses the standard alog4.ntf. The name of the log must follow the format of:
mm_log.nsf where mm = the name of your MM app. (e.g. for resrc8.nsf, the log would be resrc8_log.nsf)
File --> Application --> New ...
Title: OnTime MM Log
Filename: resrc8_log.ns
Template: Agent Log (alog4.ntf)

The title can be different. The file name must be specified as above.
You can log to the standard Domino console, instead of in an Agent Log database by adding a role called [Developer] in the MM application and setting up the debug menu there. To actually switch to the console, enter tell ontimemm debug in the console to switch it.

8. Setup the Server Configuration in the MM application:
The server configuration document sets up the options and defaults for fields in the MM application. They include such things as seating/table arrangements, and food categories for the canteens (kitchens).
Using an ID with the [Administrator] role, open the MM application.
In the menu on the left, under Administration, click the Server configuration option to display the configuration page.
Complete each of the tabs.

Keywords tab:
- Room Equipment assumes room resources that are permanently assigned/attached to the room where the reservation is for setup more than to get one delivered.
- Canteen Item Categories should be vague. In other words, put in Breakfast rather than Coffee or Water unless you offer 30 different variates of coffee and water.
User Interface tab:
- Sites cannot be completed until you create your site(s). Make a note to come back and check the default site once you do that setup later.
- There are 2 custom views for each type available for a total of 8 custom views.
Canteen tab:
- If you require Account and Department, your users can only successfully create reservations if you have those look-ups setup and they are functioning!
- When Changing the Number of Attendees field is important. It has to do with what happens if during the day a couple people leave? For example, do you still want their lunch delivered? Update Item for Previous Amount would take that into consideration and reduce the amount say 2 people left mid-morning. Play with this field with your canteen to get the nuance of it.
Look-ups tab;
- There are some cool integration options here.
Statistics tab:
- If you want to have statistics, you would complete this tab. Basically, the idea here is that you would complete the tab, and then create custom views and reporting in the MM Stats database for your own reporting. That way each customer can do their own custom reporting. The OnTime Meeting Manager Stat ver 8.1.4 template is used for this.


The rest of the setup varies based on what sites, buildings, rooms, and the type of business each customer has.

Misc. Notes:

Exporting nightly is available of the Canteen data. The export is simply a flat file, but allows customers to then "suck up" the flat file exported into their own custom ordering system that they might already have. It can also be run manually via tell ontimemm exportcatering.

Resources are added to the Domino Directory view via AdminP. There is a delay if resources are created or deleted for the users to see the change. Use the command tell adminp process int to make it run the (hourly) queue now. Use tell rnrmgr val to confirm busytime documents are created.

Different time-zones are handled in the site and room documents.

Appendix B of the OnTime MM8 Administrators Guide has instructions on creating a button in the mail file template to open MM reservation form directly from the user calendars.

OnTime MM8 Users Guide has very good instructions and screen grabs for the user tasks.

Web site: www.ontimesuite.com.


Common ONTIMEMM and Related Console Commands

load ontimemm db.nsf
- Load the task It's generally in the notes.ini so only needed when it has been quit.

tell ontimemm q
- Quits the task. Use load above to load it again.

tell ontimemm day
- Syncs MM to the statistic database. The command verifies if Sync Agent Status is enabled and syncs reservations to the statistic database. It also can fix the dates for Today, Tomorrow, and Next 7 days if the replace design has been recently run and you don't want to wait until the nightly agent fixes them.

tell ontimemm exportcatering
- Tells MM to export the canteen catering data now rather than waiting for the daily agent.


tell ontimemm validate
- used after upgrade if meetings missing

tell ontimemm version
- displays version and cert info for OnTime Meeting Manager

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