Notes Client Command Line Install Options

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 09/24/2015 at 03:39 PM


Domino - User Setup Information

Be able to run a command/script on a client machine to install IBM Notes (Lotus Notes) or upgrade IBM Notes to the new release.

Installs Notes Client w/a progress bar, w/o user options, and a user confirmation screen at the end. It also does the same features installed previously w/o new ones (unless part of the base requirements):
setup.exe /s /v"/qb+"

Installs Notes Client w/o a progress bar, and no confirmation screen to the user at the end:
setup.exe /s /v"/qn"

Installs Notes Client w/o a progress bar, w/o user options, but display a confirmation screen to the user at the end:
setup.exe /s /v"/qn+"

Install Notes Client, adding the Sametime panel and the
setup /s /v"ADDFEATURES=Sametime /qn+"

Install Notes Client in the old location that is still company standard, with progress bar, and confirmation screen at the end:
setup /s /v"ADDFEATURES=Sametime PROGDIR=\"C:\Lotus\Notes\" DATADIR=\"C:\Lotus\Notes\Data\" /qn"

Install Notes Client same as line above, but also include the Domino Administrative client:
setup /s /v"SELECT_ADMIN=1 ADDFEATURES=Sametime,Notes.Admin.Install PROGDIR=\"C:\Lotus\Notes\" DATADIR=\"C:\Lotus\Notes\Data\" /qn"

Install Notes Client same as 2 lines above, but also include the Domino Administrative client and the Domino Designer client:
setup /s /v"SELECT_ADMIN=1 SELECT_DESIGNER=1 ADDFEATURES=Sametime,Notes.Admin.Install,Notes.Designer.Install PROGDIR=\"C:\Lotus\Notes\" DATADIR=\"C:\Lotus\Notes\Data\" /qn"

Install Mac Client silently:
sudo Installer -pkg <notespackagename> -target <MacintoshHD>

ADDFEATURES syntax started in Notes 8.5.2
SELECT_DESIGNER and SELECT_ADMIN started in Notes 8.5.1

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