Migrate / Swing Install and Upgrade of Lotus Notes Client - How to Migrate the Personal data files.

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 01/30/2013 at 08:05 AM


Domino - User Setup Information

Have new MS Windows-based laptop / workstation to install IBM Lotus Notes, but want to copy the personal information
from the old workstation. What to move and where?


1. For all of the options below, install the IBM Lotus Notes client to the new workstation. Typically you want to use
the option "For Everyone" vs. "Only For Me".

2. Gather the files . . .
Option 1:
If the person is roaming, don't do anything. The personal files will come down from the Domino roaming server.
If you are not roaming the ID, get the ID file from the ID vault, the ID Recovery Mail-in application, or from the old PC.

Option 2:
You need to move the following files manually:
a. names.nsf (Contacts)
b. bookmarks.nsf (Bookmarks)
c. desktop.ndk (Workspace icons)
d. user.id (User's ID, name is either user.id, or probably the shortname.id)
e. any other custom applications that are local replicas that you want to move.

3. Copy the files to the destination folder. Do one of the the following depending on the version of MS Windows, and
the type of install you performed (only me vs everyone) . . .

If you installed for "Only Me", make sure the user has add/remove/change rights to both the notes.ini and the
data folder in executable folder and the data folder:
XP - C:\Program Files\IBM\Lotus\Notes\
XP - C:\Program Files\IBM\Lotus\Notes\data

If you installed for "Everyone", the data files go into the personal .../IBM/Lotus/Notes/Data folder. The folder depends on the version of MS Windows:
XP - c:\Docouments & Settings\<login id>\Local Settings\Application Data\Lotus\Notes\data
Vista / Win7 - C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Lotus\Notes\data -- Notes multi-user default data installation directory

More Information from the IBM documentation.

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