Microsoft Outlook 2002

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 04/07/2003 at 09:23 PM


Email Setup
Outlook, Internet Explorer

Instructions for configuring Microsoft Outlook 2002 to check your Mindwatering mail account.

Note: Internet Explorer cannot check e-mail itself. It needs an associated mail client such as Outlook, Outlook Express, Netscape Mail, Lotus Notes, or Eudora. If you have Internet Explorer on your maichine, it was probably installed with Outlook or Outlook Express, as well. These instructions are for Outlook.

1. Start Outlook (Start --> Programs --> Outlook (look around - usually here or in a Microsoft folder)

2. On the menu bar at the top. Choose "Tools"

3. Choose the "Email Accounts" option to load the "Email Accounts" window.

4. Under the "E-mail" heading, choose the option "Add a new e-mail account".

5. Press the "Next" button.
(You are now viewing "Server Type" options.)

6. Choose the "POP3" option.

7. Press the "Next" button.
(You are now viewing "Internet E-mail Settings (POP3)" options.)

8. Under the "User Information" heading,
Enter you name in the "Your Name" field (e.g. Jane Doe or Jane).
Enter your e-mail address in the "E-mail Address" field (e.g.

9. Under the "Server Information" heading,
Enter your domain's mail address in the "Incoming mail server (POP3)" field (e.g. or
Enter your ISP's mail server address in the "Outgoing mail server (SMTP)" field (e.g. or

See login rules at the bottom of this page for what combinations of server name, user name, and passwords that can be entered for the incoming POP3 information.
Your ISP is the company that provides you access to the Internet/web. You can get the appropriate server name to put in the outgoing SMTP server field from them.

10. Under the "Logon Information" heading,
Enter your user name in the "User Name" field. (e.g. Jane Doe or
Enter your password in the "Password" field. Click the "Remember password" checkbox (add a check) to have Outlook remember the password so you do not have to enter it each time you check mail.

11. Press the "Test Account Settings" button to test what you have entered. After success, press the "Next" button.

12. Press the "Finish" button to close the window and save everything.

That's it. You are now setup to check mail and send mail. If you have any questions, email or call us at 919-556-3691.



You may choose either of the options below:
Option A: If you enter the server as, enter your full name or email address as your logon/user name, with your password.
Option B: If you enter the server as, enter your email address as your user name, with your password.

For outgoing it's more complicated. Use whatever settings your ISP (eg. Earthlink, TimeWarner) gives you. Due to spam issues, rules for sending email are changing often and vary from ISP to ISP.

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