iOS Phones and Tablets Email Setup w/HCL Domino / HCL Traveler (Lotus Traveler)

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 11/25/2020 at 10:36 PM


Email Setup

Need to setup e-mail, calendaring, and notes for use with HCL Traveler (Lotus Traveler) with iPhone, iPod, iPad, iPod using the "Exchange" connection.

- Confirm that the account works via the /traveler web page either before running the set-up or as the first test if set-up fails.
- Earlier (pre-2011) iOS releases could only do ONE Exchange account. All other accounts had to be set-up as IMAP accounts. Unless you still have an old iPhone 5, that limitation is now long gone. Multiple Traveler e-mail accounts can be installed.
- With HCL Domino Traveler, the server field needs to have the /traveler appended to the name.

There are two main ways to accomplish this task: Bootstrap Method and Manual Add Account

Set-up Email via the Bootstrap Method:
One way to set-up your phone is via the "bootstrap profile" method by doing to the HCL Traveler server.
This then populates the fields and sets up the basic ability to do mail.

Set-up Email Manually via Settings and Add Account:
Alternately, we can go through the iOS Settings app (Gear), and perform mail set-up by manually entering the field values and options desired.
This instructional document covers both the bootstrap and manual options.

Instructions for iPhone / iPad / iPod (Bootstrap Method):
This method is called the "bootstrap" method. With this option, we use Safari to view the traveler device info page, click the Option to Generate an Apple Profile, and then install the Profile into your Apple iPhone.
We can also do the manual way, by going through the iPhone's add mail account screens.

1. Bring URL up in Safari browser on iPhone, iPad, or iPod.

2. Log in using your user id / name and password.
(e.g. Jane Doe and janesPassw0rd)

3. Click the Generate an Apple Profile option.
This creates the bootstrap which downloads the setup.

3b. In later iOS versions, a confirmation dialog prompts to allow the profile download or not.
"This website is trying to download a configuration profile. Do you want to allow this?"
Click Allow.

3c. After clicking Allow, another prompt displays is later iOS versions, saying:
"Profile downloaded. Review the profile in the settings app if you want to install it."
Click Close.

3d. Go to Settings (gear) icon --> choose General --> Scroll down till you see Profile. Click Profile.

The profile will be visible with the heading:
Lotus Notes for User Name/Mindwatering or HCL Notes for User Name/Mindwatering
Lotus Notes Traveler

Continue, to step 4, by clicking Install in the upper right corner.

4. Click the Install option.

5. Since the bootstrap file is generated dynamically, it will not be signed. So at the authenticity prompt, select Install Now to continue and install.
Note: If you use SSL and the domain name doesn't perfectly match (e.g. self certified or you used another FQDN), you will also have to choose to access anyway.

6. When prompted, enter your web password again.

7. Click Done when the install is done. On earlier iOS versions, you will be returned to Safari where you left off in step 3. On later versions, you stay in the Settings --> General section of the app.
Please Note:
Your iPhone's ActiveSync account is created. It will now sync Mail, Contacts, and Calendars. Return to the mail settings to change how much mail you sync, etc.
With the newer iOS software on the iPhones/iPads/IPod Touches, we noticed that you are no longer returned to Safari, but stay in your new mail account. On layter versions of iOS, the accounts are now found under Settings -> Passwords & Accounts

Other Notes:
If you have personal Contacts, you should add them to your Personal Address Book in Notes. They will synch to your mobile devices both ways (to and from the devices).
You will also now have the ability to do a (LDAP) search on the "Global" address book (Domino Directory), plus any other Directories configured in DA (Directory Assistance).

Post Setup Tweaks:

Mail Account Name
The mail account name of the new bootstrap email account is very wordy, but we can update the name of the account. Perform the following:
iOS 14:
Settings --> Mail --> Accounts --> <My Name MW>

iOS 11:
Settings --> Passwords And Accounts --> <My Name MW>

Mail / Calendar/ Notes/ ToDo Sync:
You can enable or disable applications in the main section under the Account email.

Underneath, you can adjust the synch time. e.g.
Mail Days to Sync: 1 Month


Manual Set-up Using the Mail Add Account Option:

1. Confirm you can login to the Traveler server.

Login with your email address and web password.

If you cannot login, but you can login to iNotes with the same email address and password, the contact your administrator for assistance.

2. Setup the phone:
a. Click the Home button on the iOS device.

b. Navigate to the Add Account menu.
(The exact starting point has moved over the years.)

iOS 15:
Settings --> Mail --> Accounts --> Add Account --> Microsoft Exchange
Click Next.

iOS 14:
Settings --> Mail --> Accounts --> Add Account --> Exchange (or Microsoft Exchange)
Click Next.

iOS 11:
Settings --> Accounts and Passwords --> Add Account --> Exchange
Click Next.

c. Complete the main fields:

My Name MW Mail

Click Next.

In iOS 15:
The phone will prompt whether to Sign-in or Set-up manually.
If you click Sign-in, it will redirect you to likely fill it out manually, anyway. Click Set-up manually.

d. Complete the login details:

<leave blank>


(leave the password already entered)

In iOS 14 and 15:
The field order list has been updated, the field order is:
Email - Server - Domain - Username - Password

Click Next.

e. Select Applications desired and set their options
Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Notes

Mail Days to Sync:
1 Month <change to desired setting>

On <leave enabled>

Click Done.


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