zzz OLD - Lotus Notes 6.5x/7.x Installation Instructions for Mac

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 05/27/2004 at 11:59 AM


Email Setup
Lotus Notes

Installation Steps:

1. Insert CD.
2. Once CD folder opens, choose the "Notes Install Disk" folder.
3. Double-click "Install Lotus Notes" icon to run the setup application
4. Introduction Screen --> Press Continue/Next.
5. Installation Type Screen --> Choose "Clean Install" option (assuming this is a new installation). Press Continue.
6. License Agreement --> Accept and Continue.
7. Select Install Location --> Take default (/Applications). Press Continue.
8. Customize Installation --> Take defaults. Press Continue.
9. Installation will proceed.
10. Once completed, press Quit to leave installer program.

Setup with User ID:

1. Navigate: Macintosh HD (your hard drive) --> Applications --> Lotus Notes
2. Double-click "Notes" to start Lotus Notes.
3. Missing preferences Dialog --> Choose "New Setup" button.
4. Press Next.
5. Enter the following and press Next when completed.
Your Notes name in the name field. e.g. Jane Doe/Mindwatering
The Domino server's name in the server field. e.g. joshua/Mindwatering
Leave checked the "I want to connect to a Domino server" option.
6. Leave selected "Set up a connection to a local lan network (LAN) option and press Next.
7. Select the following and press Next when completed.
Leave unchanged the Domino server name from step 5.
For Select a Network Type, choose TCP/IP
Enter the server's web address. e.g. joshua.mindwatering.com
8a. The next screen will let you know that your ID was not found on the server. Use the Browse button to navigate to your ID that Mindwatering sent you.
8b. After selecting your ID file, choose Yes to have it copied to your data folder. (You can remove the original after the installation.)
8c. Enter you password. (Dialog will clear.)
9. Wait for setup to complete. (Dialup will take 1-5 minutes. Broadband will take 15-40 seconds.) Press Ok.
10. Setup your welcome screen as you desire. That's it. You are done.

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