Netscape 6.1 Mail Setup Instructions

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 04/07/2003 at 08:55 PM


Email Setup

Instructions for other 6.x versions may vary for specific button/field locations than these, but the instruction steps are essentially the same.

1. Choose the first step from the following...
If Netscape is not open:
- Click the "Start" button in the bottom windows menu bar
- Click "Programs", then "Netscape 6", then "Mail"

If Netscape is open:
- On the Netscape menu bar, click "Tasks", then "Mail and Newsgroups"

2. If this is the first time you have started Netscape Mail, a new "Account Wizard" window will appear. (If this happens jump to number 5.)

3. Open "Edit" on the menu bar, and choose the "Mail/News Account Settings..." option.

4. On the left sde of the dialog window, press the "New Account" button

5. Press the "ISP or email provider" button and press the "Next" button.

6. Enter your full name (or the name you want people to know you as) in the "Your Name" field.
(e.g. "Jane Doe" or "Jane")

7. Enter your email address is the "Email Address" field.

8. Press the "Next" button.

9. Under the heading "Incoming Server", make sure the radio button selected is "POP".

10. Also under the "Incoming Server" heading, enter your server name in the Server Name field. See login rules at the bottom of this page for what combinations of server name, user name, and passwords that can be entered.

11. Under the "Outgoing Server (SMTP)" heading, enter the outgoing server name as the mail (SMTP) server for your ISP in the .
(e.g. or Your ISP is who you pay to access the Internet/web.)

12. Press the "Next" button.

13. Enter your username in the "User Name" field.

14. Press the "Next" button.
(The "Account Name" is just a title for this setup. You can leave it or change it to say whatever you want.)

15. Press the "Next" button.
(You will now see a confirmation page of everything you entered.)

16. Press the "Finish" button to close the window and save everything.

That's it. You are now setup to check mail and send mail. If you have any questions, email or call us at 919-556-3691.



You may choose either of the options below:
Option A: If you enter the server as, enter your full name as your user name, with your password.
Option B: If you enter the server as, enter your email address as your user name, with your password.

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