Setting up a Second Location Document for Switching HCL "Lotus" Notes IDs

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 05/14/2013 at 01:16 PM


Email Setup
Lotus Notes

Need to set up an alternate Identity on a Notes client workstation to do more than just delegation of another user's mail file or for administration purposes.


Part A: Update the current location document so that the current ID is automatically used when the location is selected after switching.

1. Open the Contacts application off the bookmark bar on the left if docked, or under the Open button if not.
(This is someone simpler way of doing vs doing Preferences --> Locations option)

2. Click the Advanced option on the menu on the left.

3. Choose the Locations view on the menu on the left.

4. Select and open the Online location (or Office if older client that's was upgraded over-and-over)

5. Click the Edit button. Navigate to the Advanced tab, and select the Basics sub-tab.

6. Populate the User ID to switch to field with the path to the current ID. Use the flashlight icon to pop-up the browse file dialog.
The id is typically in the data folder, and is named or the person's name depending how the workstation is deployed. e.g. "c:\program files\IBM\Notes\Data\"

Note: To find out your current ID location if you do not know it, select File --> Security --> User Security. Enter your password if prompted. On the default tab, Security Basics, the file path is the second field labeled ID File.

7. Click the Save & Close button.

Part B: Create a new location document so that the new ID is used when selected. (Use the current Online location as a reference.)

Note: If you have not already done so, copy the new ID to the same data folder as the ID in step 6 above.

1. Still in the Locations view, click the New button and Location sub action/button.
(Take the default values unless otherwise specified.)

2. On the Basics tab:
a. Set Location Name field to a name that makes sense for the context (e.g. the ID name or a generic role).
b. Set the Internet Mail Address field to the e-mail address in the person document for ID.
(If the ID does not have a mail account leave it blank. Skip to step 5.)

3. On the Servers tab:
a. Set the Home/mail server field to the name of the domino server (e.g. MyServer/MyOrg).
b. Set the Passthru server and Domino Directory server fields if applicable.

4. On the Mail tab:
a. Set the Mail file field to the path of the mail file (from the person document - e.g. mail/mailfile.nsf or folder/mail/mailfile ).
b. Set the Domino mail domain field to the Domino Domain (e.g. MindwateringExt ).

5. On the Advanced tab --> Basics sub-tab
a. Populate the User ID to switch to field with the path to the new ID. Use the flashlight icon to browse to the new ID file.

6. Click the Save & Close button.

Part C: Test the new and current location documents by switching between them.
- Confirm that the ID switches successfully. Unless a SSO or cached credentials are used, this usually is indicated with a password prompt each time.
- Confirm that the new ID's location properly opens up the mail and calendar for the new user.

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