Add a Calendar Overlay to your Lotus Notes Mail

Mindwatering Incorporated

Author: Tripp W Black

Created: 10/01/2012 at 02:15 AM


Email F.A.Qs (Non-setup), Email Setup
Lotus Notes

You can add a Notes person calendar, a custom calendar from an application, a Team Room calendar, a Google (TM) calendar, and generic iCalendars along with your main Notes calendar.
Perform the steps below to another person's / user's calendar to your calendar.

1. Click the Calendar icon on your side bookmark icons (usually the second one down).
- Alternately, click the Calendar icon on the welcome page.
- Alternately, click the little icon in the top right corner of the left menu side bar in your mail, and choose "Switch to Calendar".

2. Under the Monthly Calendar pane is the Views pane that list various view options. In that section, under views, is "Show Calendars".
Click "Add a Calendar ..." immediately under the "Show Calendars".

3. In the Add Calendar dialog. Select the type of calendar to add. We are assuming "Notes user's calendar", but there are also options, for "Notes Teamroom calendar", "Notes application calendar", "Google calendar (TM)", and "iCalendar feed".
Complete the dialog:
a. Choose / leave selected "Notes user's calendar".
b. Under User Name, start typing the person's common name and then select it in the type-ahead choices presented.
c. If you wish to also have it available off-line, you can check the box to enable it.
d. Select the background and foreground colors for the selected person's calendar entries.
- Note: You should choose colors not already in your pallette for meeting, appointments, etc.

4. Click OK to save.

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