1. |  | Start Outlook if not already running. |
2. |  | On the menu bar, choose Tools --> Accounts. |
3. |  | On the Internet Accounts dialog, choose the Mail Tab (or All tab). |
4. |  | Highlight your Mindwatering-based domain and click the 'Properties' button. |
5. |  | In the Account Properties dialog, verify your settings for the account are formatted the same. Make proper adjustments for your actual name, e-mail, and domain name:
5a. |  | General Tab:
Name: Cool Person
E-mail coolperson@mwclient.com
5b. |  | Servers Tab:
Incoming Server Type: POP3 server
Incoming POP3 Server Address: mail.mwclient.com OR pop.mwclient.com
Outgoing SMTP Server Address: mail.myclient.com
Account name (login id): coolperson@mwclient.com
Password: **********
Remember Password: box checked to remember password always
Outgoing Mail Server Requires Authentication: box checked
Click the 'Settings' button, and confirm that use same settings as incoming is selected.
5c. |  | Advanced Tab:
Outgoing SMTP Mail Port No: 465
SSL Required Check Box: Checked
Incoming POP3 Mail Port No: 995
SSL Required Check Box: Checked
5d. |  | Click the 'Apply' and 'Ok' buttons to save any updates. |
6. |  | Create a new memo / e-mail via the 'Create Mail' button on the tool bar.
Perform the following:
6a. |  | In the From drop down combo-box, select the Mindwatering-based account (e.g. MWClient). |
6b. |  | Add a subject and test body. |
6c. |  | Click the 'Send' button. |
6d. |  | Note: Unless you have purchased your own SSL key (you would know if you did), you probably will get a dialog that says the SSL does not match your domain name. Afterwards, the message should send correctly. |
If you get an error, check for typos in your Account settings. If none found, contact Mindwatering support for more assistance. |
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